Configure Critical ResourcesNEW!

To use this procedure, you must be in the process of configuring a new profile, modifying an existing profile, or overriding a profile's Critical Resource settings for an individual device.

Use this procedure to define, modify, or delete Critical Resources for the selected profile or device.

  1. Choose from the following actions:
    • If you are in the process of configuring a new profile, proceed to the next step.
    • If you want to edit or delete Critical Resource settings, go to Profiles or Devices, select the target profile or device in the list, then proceed to the next step.

  2. Select the CRM tab and configure or edit the parameters in the General pane as described in Critical Resources General Parameters, then continue to the next step.
    Table 1. Critical Resources General Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Monitor Interval Set the period between two successive pings to the critical resource. Enter a value in the range 5 – 86,400 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.
    Source IP for Port-Limited Monitoring Enter the IP address used as the source address in ARP packets used to detect a critical resource on a layer 2 interface. Generally, the source address is used in the APR packets used to detect critical resources. However, some devices do not support the above IP address and drop the ARP packets. Use this field to provide an IP address specifically used for this purpose. The IP address used for Port-Limited Monitoring must be different from the IP address configured on the device.
    Monitor Retry Count Enter the number of retry connection attempts (1 – 10) permitted before this device connection is defined as down (offline). The default setting is 3 connection attempts.
  3. If any Critical Resources are configured, they appear in tabular form in the List Of Critical Resources pane. The total number of configured Critical Resources is displayed in parentheses. Choose from the following actions:
    1. Select to add a new Critical Resource. Proceed to the next step.
    2. Select adjacent to sort the list of Critical Resources. By default, the resources are sorted in ascending order, as indicated by the direction of the arrow in the icon . Toggle the icon to sort the list in descending order .
    3. Select and enter a keyword in the search field to narrow the list of resources in the table.
    4. Select to download the resource entries in the table in csv format.
    5. Select to choose the columns displayed in the table.
    6. Select to refresh the list.
    7. Under the Actions column in the table, choose from the following actions:
      • Select and modify the Critical Resource Monitoring settings as described in the steps in this procedure. Select Update to apply the changes.
      • Select to delete a Critical Resource.
  4. Configure or edit the Critical Resources Monitoring parameters as described in Critical Resources Monitoring Parameters .
    Table 2. Critical Resources Monitoring Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Critical Resource Name Assign a name (up to 32 characters) that uniquely identifies the Critical Resource.
    Use Flows Select Use Flows to enable monitoring of the critical resources using firewall flows for DHCP or DNS instead of ICMP or ARP packets.

    This reduces the amount of traffic on the network. This parameter is disabled by default.

    Sync Adoptees Select Sync Adoptees to sync adopted devices to state changes with a resource-state change message.

    This parameter is disabled by default.

    Offline Resource Detection Use the Offline Resource Detection drop-down menu to define how critical resource event messages are generated. Options include:
    • Any: If you select this option, an event is generated when the state of any single critical resource changes.
    • All: If you select this option, an event is generated when the state of all monitored critical resources change.
    Monitor Criteria

    This parameter is active only when the Use Flows option is enabled.

    Use the Monitor Criteria drop-down menu to select one of the following options:

    • rf-domain-manager: If you select rf-domain-manager, the current rf-domain manager performs resource monitoring, and the rest of the devices do not. The RF-domain-manager updates any state changes to the rest of the devices in the RF Domain.
    • cluster-master: With the cluster-master option, the cluster master performs resource monitoring and updates the cluster members with state changes.
    • All: With a controller-managed RF Domain, set Monitor Criteria to All because the controller might not know the VLAN bridged locally by the devices in the RF Domain monitoring DHCP.
    Monitor Via Use the drop-down menu to choose the means by which the critical resource is to be monitored. Options include:
    • None: This is the default setting.
    • IP: Select this option to monitor a critical resource directly (within the same subnet) and enter the IP address to be used as a network identifier.
    • Interface: Select this option to monitor a critical resource using the critical resource‘s VLAN, WWAN1 or PPPoE1 interface.

      If you select VLAN, use the spinner control to define the destination VLAN ID used as the interface for the critical resource.

  5. In the Critical Resource Monitoring window, under the Resources pane, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Add to configure a new resource as described in Resources Parameters.
    2. Select adjacent to a resource to delete a it. You cannot modify Resources.
    Table 3. Resources Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Mode Sets the ping mode used when the availability of a critical resource is validated. Select from:
    • Not Set (default) – No mode specified.
    • arp-only – Use only the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for pinging the critical resource. ARP is used to resolve hardware addresses when only the network layer address is known.
    • arp-and-ping – Use both ARP and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for pinging the critical resource and sending control messages (for example, device not reachable or requested service not available).
    VLAN Using the spinner control, define the VLAN on which the critical resource is available.
    IP/Alias/Network Provide the IP address, alias, or network address of the critical resource. This is the address used by the access point to ensure the critical resource is available.
    Port Define the interface on which to monitor critical resource. This field lists the available hardware interfaces. This option is available only when the selected mode is arp-only.
  6. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.